Client Comments

Listen to what clients have to say about their experience. Again, with Experiential Gun Dog Training - “One step at a time - each step to the last”.

You Become The Expert!

"Thanks for a great morning Jack! Zeta and I will be logging our daily walks to track our progress with the datasheet you provided. I was pleased to see her so excited to arrive at your place. She knew she was in for a run with birds!"

— Bradly Trumbo

Biologist, Writer & Author

Jun 12, 2021

“Nice Web site Jack. Also, thanks for the pic of Josie and all the great help with her. I really appreciate the approach you are taking with your business and interests”. 

“Spot on”!

- James Teare

IDF&G Regional Supervisor

December 12, 2021

“Always good to hear from you. If there is anybody who can teach an old dog new tricks, it's you”. 

- William (Bill) Perconti

Musician and Professor of Arts - Retired

Feb 15th, 2022

“I’m thankful to have bumped into you at the N40 store and have stumbled into a quality trainer - thanks for your help with Miss Bailey”. 

- Craig Chatterton

Feb 18th, 2022

Bailey was “Miss July” in the 2023 “Double U Hunting Supply” calendar. Photo by RM Photography.

“…I appreciate how you asked what my goals, intentions, and desires were with my dog and acted in a helpful way to get me to those”.

- Austin Smith

Warden, Idaho Department of Fish & Game

March 23rd, 2022

“…we want to let you know how much we appreciate all that you and your family have put into the process. Anyone can breed and sell a dog but the foundation’s you have laid for her and us to succeed now and in the future are greatly appreciated”.

”HH second to none”.

- Doug (& Cynthia) Longbrake

April 10th, 2022

“…thank you Jack for your thorough evaluation. We will continue to work with Piper as suggested. Rick really enjoyed the time spent with you and will be contacting you for the next session.”

- Rick & Gina

Lewiston, ID

June 20th, 2022

“…I just wanted to thank you again for all your help with Maverik. I could not have done it without you! I was really excited to see how well he worked today. It’s really got me stoked for hunting with him this fall.”

- Joe

Lewiston, ID

July 19th, 2022

“Tucker!!! He is awesome! Thank you, so much!”

- Doug

Spokane Valley, WA

December 10th, 2022

“Xhey (Shay) has proved she understood her training and has applied it to different terrains, 8 different bird species, and fur this fall!  There is nothing more rewarding than being a part of training your own bird dog, watching the progression and enjoying when it all comes together…”

- Cierra (& Bradley)

Lewiston, ID

January 10th, 2023

“(Cooper’s) off the leash heeling was spot on! Comes like a champ to three whistles and, better yet, he returns to heel! Remarkable. …getting him to perform for me is fabulous”!

- Dale (& Betsy)

Clarkston, WA

March 21st, 2023

“Thanks Jack. I'm feeling good about today's training, too. It seems like, thanks to your gentle way of training, thinking outside of the box (scribbling outside of the lines) is working. Your understanding of Sam's training needs is remarkable. …Homage to our dog trainer/ (dog) mental health therapist /and bird dog demon exorcist. I'll come up with more titles for you as time proceeds...”

- Bryan (& Rita)

Lewiston, ID

April 13th, 2023

“I've known Jack for several years and finally have had a chance to work with him training my latest pup. As a trainer Jack is excellent at seeing where the dog's understanding is at and finding that balance between success and challenge for the dog. He is also a good teacher of people and involves the owner/handler in the training so that you learn along with your dog. Your pup and you will have a great time training with Jack and you'll both be more ready to achieve success in the field.”

- Joe

Cottonwood, ID

July 6th, 2023

These are just a few of the many comments sent in by our clients - now friends! If there is a photo and comment you’d like to share, send it in!